Product Description
Experience handheld calculating in the age of touch with the HP Prime Graphing Calculator. This full-color, multi-touch calculator has touchscreen or keypad interaction, powerful math applications, formative assessment tools, wireless connectivity, and a long-life, Li-ion rechargeable battery.
- Graphing functions: Functions, Advanced Graphing, 3D Graphing, Polar, Parametric Plot; Differential Equation, Bar Plot; Histogram, Scatter Plot; Find: Intersect, Extremum, Slope, Area; Zoom, etc.
- Statistical functions: Σx, Σx2, Σy, Σy2, Σxy; Sample standard deviation, mean; Population standard deviation; Linear regression; Combinations, etc.
- Math functions: +, -, x, ÷, ?, 1/x, +/-, In, ex, x?y; yx, LOG, 10x, x2, %, ? , n!; Fractions; Degrees, radians, or grads mode; Trigonometric functions/inverses; Hyperbolics/inverses; HP Solve application (root finder); Numeric Integration; Symbolic Integration; CAS system, etc.
- Scientific functions: Decimal hrs/hrs min sec conversions; Polar/rectangular conversions; Angle conversions; Base conversions and arithmetic, etc.
HP Prime Exam Mode
To install exam mode and other programs on your HP Prime, you need the HP Connectivity Kit. Download the latest version here (choose from 32-bit or 64-bit). After the software opens, an update is requested if the latest version of the Connectivity Kit and HP Prime firmware is not already on your device. After installation (a reboot may be required), you can restart the Connectivity Kit and connect your calculator to the device using the USB cable. It will then be downloaded automatically.
Installing the exam mode
The exam score for this year’s Central Written Exam can be downloaded from the Support-Downloads section and easily dragged and dropped onto the calculator(s). This only takes a few seconds. From now on, exam mode can be started from the calculator or using the Connectivity Kit.